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COVID-19 Protocols (to be reviewed monthly and modified as necessary)
Christ the King Academy objectives for the 2021-22 School Year
Stay healthy so we can stay open
Return to normalcy with school operations as we are able
Necessary components to meet objectives
Recognition that our LORD is in control of all things
Wisdom in development of operational protocols
Campus family cooperation with execution of protocols
Thinking about others before self
Delta variant impact - rapid spread and potential impact on the vulnerable
Campus family health and wellness
Operational protocols
The wearing of face coverings for both students and staff is recommended, but remains optional in interior common areas (hallways, entryway, etc.)
Daily health screening - “Has your child or anyone in your home been experiencing any flu-like symptoms within the last 24 hours?” Follow the guideline If in doubt, please keep him/her out.
Students who present symptoms of illness during the day will be removed from the classroom and a parent/guardian will be contacted so the child can be picked up as soon as possible
Students and staff will have access to FL Department of Health, Flagler County’s optional rapid testing program (Detailed information on this program will be coming soon.)
Drop-off and Pick-up
All parents/guardians allowed into the building
ECC parents/guardians will be required to come into the building for sign-in/sign-out
Parents/guardians are encouraged to wear a face covering while in the building
Use of outside designated drop-off and pick-up areas encouraged for all K-8 students
Hygiene and Cleanliness
Ongoing encouragements to students and workers to practice healthy personal hygiene habits (handwashing, covering the cough/sneeze/respecting the personal space of others)
Cleaning/disinfecting of high contact areas during the day
Daily Activities
Drinking fountains will be available for filling water bottles, but students will not be allowed to drink from the drinking fountain directly
Exits and entrances will be managed during the school day to limit contact with others
Students in grades 2 through 8 will travel to their assigned classroom for math instruction
ECC & VPK classrooms will only be combined as staffing levels dictate
K - 8 extended care will take place in the Common Room of the Early Childhood Center with distancing guidelines in place. Parents/guardians will need to enter the building to sign-in and sign out students in extended care.
Students in K - 8 will have lunch and snack in separate locations but will share outdoor playground space
Chapel plans are being modified to accommodate for adequate distancing among classes
Indoor co-curricular activities are on hold for the time being, but planning continues for outdoor co-curricular activities set to begin in October
The adult volunteer program is on hold for now
K-8 field trips are on hold for now
Concluding Remarks: Christ the King Church and Academy takes seriously its responsibility to provide a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment for all those whom we serve. The protocols and guidelines above are an effort to carry out this responsibility and fulfill the mission of being People Helping People Become All Christ Calls Them to Be.
Thank you for your partnership! May the LORD be glorified as together we strive for health, wellness, and
excellence in Christian education and childcare.
Principal Eric Brown